PLAXIS VIP是在传统软件永久许可证之外的附加服务体系。具备PLAXIS VIP用户可以获得最新版本的Plaxis软件,也可以得到VIP特别的软件模块,还能获得更增值的技术服务。
PLAXIS VIP能保护用户在Plaxis软件上的投资,因为它能使你的软件始终是最新版本的。每次新版本的发布, VIP服务是自动获得许可的——不能比这更方便的了——小版本的升级包可以从我们网站上得到,大版本升级将自动发送给用户。
特别扩展的开发模块只提供给PLAXIS VIP会员。这些扩展模块提供全新功能,完全与基础软件兼容并易于学习。对于PLAXIS VIP会员,PLAXIS 2D 和 PLAXIS 3D提供如下扩展模块。
- 土工试验
- 关口-太田模型(粘性&非粘性)
- 霍克-布朗模型
- UBC-SAND3DPLM模型(动态模型)
- 混凝土模型
- 用户自定义的土体模型
- UDCAM-S循环累积和优化工具
- CAD /几何导入和导出
- 多核计算
- 导入CPT记录以生成土层
- 远程脚本API
- 脚本编写参考
- 带有命令运行器、宏对象库和Python菜单的专家菜单
- 自动提取中心线
- 灵敏度分析和参数变化工具(PLAXIS 2D)
- 隧道设计器
- 在隧道设计器中定义岩石锚杆
- 在隧道设计器(PLAXIS 3D)中定义护拱
- 在隧道设计器中定义梁(仅适用于PLAXIS 3D)
- 隧道分离工具(PLAXIS 3D)
- 在隧道设计器(PLAXIS 3D)中定义开挖顺序
- 自动生成隧道的分步施工阶段(PLAXIS 3D)
- 长方体和(截断的)圆锥体命令(PLAXIS 3D)
- 乘法命令
- 放样命令(PLAXIS 3D)
- Blendsurface命令(PLAXIS 3D)
- 场应力计算和类组应力
- 环形和矩形阵列工具
- 绕轴旋转工具(PLAXIS 3D)
- 移动荷载(3D动力分析)
- ISM导入/导出(PLAXIS 3D)
- 动力固结计算(动力)
- 自由场和柔性基底边界(动力)
- 绑定自由度(2D动力)
- 场地响应分析工具(2D动力)
- 输出不限数量的曲线点
而且,用户可以获得独家和优先的技术支持服务,用户还可以获得我们提供增值服务折扣(比如高级培训班、研讨会等)。针对PLAXIS VIP特别折扣会在课程小册子中宣布。
每个许可证都可以订购VIP。订购的许可有效期三年,三年以后每年应通过最初订购的渠道或者直接通过Plaxis bv续订。详细信息如价格和订购PLAXIS VIP请与我们联系。
PLAXIS VIP的五个最大好处是:
1. 最方便即刻得到最新的软件开发成果
2. 附加的扩展功能,如64位支持、用户自定义模型、CAD导入等
3. 独家的和优先的技术支持
4. PLAXIS课程折扣
5. 各种类型的许可和免费更换软件锁
PLAXIS Expert Services
PLAXIS Expert Services are professional services exclusively meant for users of Plaxis software. The purpose of this service is to help our clients on any FE modelling related issue such that they can be assisted in their simulation work and improve their own modelling capabilities.
Upon request of our customers we will provide high-level technical assistance with advanced finite element modelling issues, selecting model parameters, defining and executing calculations, interpreting and reporting of analysis results. We also offer fit-for-purpose training courses which can be customized to your specific requirements.
PLAXIS Expert Services will boost Plaxis customers analysis skills and increase their productivity resulting in a faster return on their software investment.
Expert Service Examples
A collection of serveral projects completed through PLAXIS Expert Services can be found under E-PLAXIS.
Analysis projects: Plaxis engineers are available to assist basic-to-advanced analysis consulting projects for a wide range of geotechnical applications. This includes creation of finite element models, definition and execution of calculations, interpretation and reporting of FE results.
Fit-for-purpose courses: If you have several people to be trained, it may be cost-effective to hold a training course at your location. Additionally we can customize the course content based on your specific requirements. This will allow you to tailor both content and agenda to initiate either your first analysis projects or to develop your engineers skills in very specific areas around your own model examples.
Mentoring: With this service, you will benefit from on-call simulation expertise. It will help ensure that your simulation strategy is appropriate by providing review of your model set-up or simply brainstorming for ideas to improve your analysis.
In this context we can review FE models built up by our customers. Advices on finite element modelling issues, including meshing, definition of material model parameters, definition of calculation phases along with results interpretation will then be provided. Reviews of Plaxis-related sections in customer geotechnical reports can also be performed.
We offer mentoring plans that range from hourly engagements to yearly fixed-price contracts.
- PLAXIS Expert Services are fee-based services.
- Plaxis will only accept PLAXIS Expert Services requests for projects that can be modelled with the standard Plaxis software products.
- The client should be in possession of an official Plaxis license of the applicable software, obtained from Plaxis or one of its official agents. This is to guarantee that the client can assess themselves all details of a model for which Plaxis has provided PLAXIS Expert Services.